Minggu, 02 Agustus 2015

Bad rabbit eh habbit hehehehe :p

Assalamualaikum wr wb,
Finally !! here we are !! on the last challenge of #7daysbloggingchallengeACT.
I am happy and so excited about this !! And by the way, this is my first blogging challenge that i followed. It is so fun because i know what i must writing to. ^_^
This theme of entry we already chosen randomly.

Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2015

Describe my self as food !

Assalamualaikum wr wb.
Hello to everyone who stopping by on my blog ! Welcome and i hope you enjoy reading this little notes :)
Well, today we will talk about FOOD ! I know some of you will guess who the one that give this theme of challenge hehehe YES ! proudly say it's me :D
Why I choose food to be one of seven writings challenges, because I love food and passioned with it. As you know,   recently i post entry about my passion. If you guys havent read that yet please read that one here, okay ?

Ceritaku dan Rizal

 Cerpen ini aku tulis tahun 2012 namun baru sekarang sempat di publis.Cerita ini 100% adalah fiksi dan khayalan penulis. Semoga menghibur :)                       
 Ceritaku dan Rizal      
 oleh : Asrida Saskia Novarida

Setelah beberapa menit berkendara. Temanku memintaku berhenti disebuat apotik.
            “Berhenti disini. Ini apotiknya.”katanya seraya menepuk-nepuk pundakku pelan.
“Oh..disini.”jawabku, lalu dengan santai aku menurunkan kecepatan dan mengehentikan laju kendaraan di tempat parkir apotik itu, tepat di depan apotik itu.
“Tunggu disini sebentar. Tidak lama kok.”katanya lalu lekas turun menuju apotik itu. Aku melihat dia menaikki 3 anak tangga dan berbaur bersama pengantri lainnya.
“Bener ni, tidak lama?”batinku saat melihat kerumunan pengantri itu.